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Wednesday, October 7, 2015


I tend to attract other people's cast offs....which is mostly a good thing. But if you looked at my craft room and basement right now you might wonder if it's all that good.

My most recent acquisition is a big pile of upholstery samples from my friend Melody....who saved them from ending up in the dumpster. The sampling you see here is just that...a sampling.  There are many more.

I see potential in so many of these cast-offs....and know that just the right project will come along and I will have just what I need...for free. you may know our church has recently gone through a major renovation. Joan, Gwen and I worked hard creating art for a few of the spaces....including the welcome wall in the entry way and the tree quilt going up the master staircase. But there are a lot more new spaces.

For now we are going to focus on a few of the front offices....which have virtually NOTHING on the walls. I've been thinking about it for days now...and even a few nights. One thing I know for sure is that whatever we do it will include some of these upholstery fabric cast-offs.  Stay's time to play with fabric!

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