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Thursday, October 8, 2015

Just For the Record....

Don't you love a pumpkin with a really good long curled stem? (I just wanted a better opening on to what the post is actually about.)

My husband teased me about my opening line in the last post..."I tend to attract other people's cast-offs." He chuckled because he thought it sounded like I have nothing to do with it...that things just appear. Well, just for the record, sometimes they do! But I guess I have fostered that "attraction" because I do tend to pick up just about anything with even a hint of potential.

When the new furniture came after the church renovation there were some awesome pieces of rigid cardboard used as packing material.  They were about 5 feet long, about 6 inches wide, and about an inch thick...and they were too awesome to throw away. I grabbed all the ones that weren't damaged and they've been sitting in my garage for 7 months.

And low and behold....the upholstery fabric samples are just the perfect width to wrap around the cardboard.  I did a very quick mock up on a scrap piece.  I didn't pay much attention to fabric choice...I just wanted to see how it would work so randomly pinned on some of the swatches.  I think there's potential here!

It's a wonderful thing when cast-offs that just showed ones I found myself!


  1. Definite potential! Should be fun to see what will work together.

    1. Can't wait to get together and start playing with it Joan!
