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Friday, November 6, 2015

A Transition Project

We drove to Maine yesterday for the weekend and there was a noticeable change in the landscape. 

The brilliant oranges, yellows and reds have shifted to the browns and rusts....and many trees are nearly bare. Paul commented how he likes the trees just as much now as when they are in their full glory.


I recently described October as a transition month...mostly outside.  I think of November as the time to transition focus on neglected house chores and art projects that are patiently waiting. But my inside projects will have to sit tight...because for now another inside project has presented itself.  A transition project...a creative that deserves careful attention.

My dear friend Connie has had to move out of her two bedroom apartment in her retirement facility into a new space where she can get more care. The new space is quite a bit smaller but it needs to feel like needs to be transformed...and that is what we're going to try and do.

Connie has given me permission to talk a little about the transition...and the transformation of her new space. One of the things she knew she would miss the most was the view of her balcony garden. She loved her garden...even in the winter when there was nothing but the dried clematis vines covered with snow.

She wanted a window view of her garden in her new space.
I found this picture frame at Home was the perfect starting point.  I gave it a light sand....spay painted it white...and sanded it a bit more to distress it and give it a little character.

Next I scanned through my photos...and Connie's photos...looking for just the right one to start with....knowing we could change it up any time we wanted.

I chose one from the 2014 garden...when the fall clematis was just amazing and had it enlarged to 16 X 20.

So here's Connie's garden of the first steps in making her new space feel like home.

Stay tuned for the rest of this creative journey.

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