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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Artist Trading Cards

I mentioned this little ATC (Artist Trading Card) in a early post...but I didn't tell the whole story.

I have written about all kinds of art shares and trades that I have done...many of them with my friend Ellen. This was one of the first where we made and traded four ATC's.

An artist trading card is the size of a baseball card....2 1/2 by 3 1/2.

These were my four cards....a little goofy as usual.  I do really like the starfish one...a watercolor background with some stitching and beading...and of course a little glitter.  The starfish is cut from a piece of fabric. The rainbow layered card was done with embellished punched circles.  The stripes are doodles, strips of paper and over the top embellishments.  The black and white one is described in the link above.

And these were Ellen's!  She is a master at layering and collaging....they have so much texture! The moon is actually some thin layers of mica.  I love them!


  1. MaryAnn, thank you so much for the compliments and for putting my cards on your blog. They look pretty good online! Ellen
