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Friday, November 27, 2015

Digital Collage

I'm kind of hooked on digital art. And since I am in the middle of a slow overhaul of my craft spaces it's working out pretty well. And my computer is always with me when I'm in Maine. This trip I brought my felt garland to work on....but I didn't have some of what I it was digital art time...again!

I did this silly little line drawing of the bookshelf in my living room a few weeks ago. It's not all that great...but I liked it better when I started playing with it digitally.

Thanksgiving morning I was sharing some art stuff with my niece Clarke, including Stephanie Levy's collage/drawing work....and she could do that with your drawing.  So here it version.

I included a few images of bottles....the blue ones are from this very early post. And here they are up close. the quite an artist. I will share some her amazing line drawings at some point soon.

Here are a few on Stephanie's collages. I like the mix of drawing and collage.  I will play with it some more at some point.

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