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Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Little Distance

This afternoon I pinned the fabric I had picked for Paul's stole up on my board. (a piece of rigid insulation)  It allowed me to stand back and look at the scheme...see what I liked...what I didn't...and what was missing. It also gave me a sense of how wide the strips needed to be to get the length I needed.

I discovered that it still felt muted...even with the solids I added in from the last stole post. It would be a great scheme for my living room...but not for the celebration stole.  And the symbol for Pentecost is fire!

It was lacking yellows and greens (true greens)...and had too many dark muddy colors. I pulled out several of the strips I didn't like....and went back to my stash and chose some brighter ones.

I'm certain that it's better....but I'll live with it a few days and keep tweaking. There's nothing like a little distance.

Here they are side by side. It's getting there but I can already see a few things I will change and tweak....and colors I'll look for in my stash.

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