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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Like I Said....

...I'm being brave in 2016.

Well....this is not so much being brave as it is going outside of my comfort zone. I'm not really a joiner...and I don't follow rules very well....but I decided to give something new a try. (I nudged my friend Becky into doing it with me....she loves to color.)

Both photos are from the Artful Joyful You Facebook Page
Somewhere in my internet travels I came across an invitation to a free online class for coloring.  I was certainly drawn in by the title..."Artful Joyful You"...and I have been playing around with coloring recently.  And, I'm interested in learning new techniques with watercolor and colored pencil. So why not?

Starting tomorrow, My friend Becky and I...along with over 100 other women, are going to "play." We will be participating in a month long coloring class (one activity a week). I'm seeing it as an opportunity to learn some new things and creatively connect with others.

Check out the website here if you are interested in knowing more about what I'm getting myself into. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Ha! I don't follow rules either. I am the one who takes the essence of a course and then goes off on my own tangent lol No real rules to follow in this course, because it is all about play. Thank you so much for participating and sharing. I am really looking forward to reading about your joyful journey throughout the month.

  2. Hi, MaryAnn! I not a rule follower, either. We have quite a bit in common, including living in MA. Love your blog. Looking forward to having fun with you and the other creators in Eliza's workshop!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Linda! The blog has been a really good thing for me...I can't believe I have been at it now for a full year. Eliza's class will be fun!
