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Saturday, January 2, 2016

One Year!

Today marks the last day of a full year of "Joyful Puttering." It has been a wonderful journey so far...thanks for coming along.

The cake was found here on Tumblr
 and was done by Flora Fricker.
Other than the things I do without thinking like eating, sleeping, and brushing my teeth, I don't think I have ever done anything almost every single day for a full year. Now if I could just translate that into other parts of my life like exercise and drinking enough water...all would be well.

My one year stats: (blogspot keeps track)
Published posts: 388
Page Views: 13,155
(and they even keep track by country)

As I searched for an image of a led me to Flora Fricker.  I poked around her website a bit....and really enjoyed seeing her work.  I was especially fond of this sweet little Christmas card.  She has a whole series of little cabins.

Like I have said before...this blog takes me places I might not have gone....and I love that!

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