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Monday, February 1, 2016

Respectable Balance

I have a love/hate relationship with social media...and my computer. The "hate" part is that it can be a time sucker if I'm not careful...but the parts I "love" draw me in.  I use my computer quite a create...communicate...and be inspired.  So...I will continue to work on that relationship and find a respectable balance.

I will admit that I was excited to see what the February color scheme was for Folt Bolt....and here it is...and the featured theme this month is birds.

I posted about this collage here.
I was wooed in by the colors last night. I perused my photos and found a few things that fit the color scheme and submitted them. When I woke up this morning two of them were on the Folt Bolt website under the "show and tell color scheme" menu.

They are both from my Pinterest inspired journal I traded back and forth with Ellen. The colors in my bird collage are almost a perfect match.

I posted about this collage here.
And...speaking of social media...yesterday I launched a "Joyful Puttering" Facebook page.  I will post a few of my favorite past projects...and finished pieces in future. If you follow the blog there will not necessarily be anything new there...just less of my chatter and more photos of finished projects....which may be a good thing for some.

So, if you are the link above and "like" the page for a little more "Joyful Puttering."

I have to keep this relationship in it's time to close the computer!!!

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