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Friday, February 5, 2016


....just for fun.  I have boxes and boxes of this's hard for me to throw a precious little scrap away. Someday I'll make a big collage just of my little snippets!

I just prepared a box of "stuff" for my friend Dana and her son Leighton. Just before I sent it on its way I added this tiny bag of little snippets...just for fun.

Her box includes lots of "stuff" for art journaling, yarns for weaving, and art and craft supplies for her and Leighton....some of them compliments of Connie. Dana knows Connie quite well.

Here's the back.


  1. who wouldn't like to just rip into that? So fun. It reminds me of the grab bags we used to get during Maxwell Street days.

  2. This was one of my favorite things in the bag you gave me! In fact, I haven't opened it yet, it sits on my desk and I admire the packaging!

    1. It was kind of an afterthought.....but I love it too! I literally have thousands of snippets! I was just sifting through them last night, as a matter of fact, for a project.
