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Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow Day Stole!

The blue bottles in the back yard were pretty in the snow.
Paul and I came up to Maine yesterday....and today it snowed all day. I had no place to go and things are pretty simple up it set me up for a very productive and enjoyable day. And...I'm quite proud of myself because I started the day getting my taxes 95% organized and ready to send off. They would be 100% done if I hadn't forgotten a few things.

Paul took this one in our little park while he was out on a walk.

Another goal for today was to sew together the strips of fabric for Paul's stole.  It was pleasant sitting at my table in the guest room/sewing room watching the snow while I worked. 

I started by sewing two strips together at a time....just pushing them through. Then I pressed them...and did a little trimming before I sewed those sets together. My goal was to be at about 45 inches...

...and I came pretty darn close. I will add more reds at the top....but this is where is it will start to curve around the I need to think through this.  I'm just winging it...and making decisions as I go along.                                                                                                           

I decided I wanted a 3 inch wide band for each side of the stole. The second ruler on the right helped me get a perfect 3 1/2 inch cut.  The extra 1/2 inch is for seam allowance on both sides when I add the red edging.  (use the link above to see the inspirations stole)
The best part is now I have a 7 inch extra piece to play with for something else....and I have a couple of ideas.  The two stole pieces on the right are ready for the next step.....but that might be a little while. But I did make good "snow day stole" progress.

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