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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Demo Day!

Today was demo day at our house in Maine.  Once we made the decision to hang onto our vacation house we decided to do a few improvements. If we stay long term....there will more demo days down the road.

But today is the first demo day!  (Sorry for repeating....but I don't get to say that very often and I kind of like it!) Most of the wall between the living room and the dining room came down....about to the corner of the couch. It will make the long narrow living room feel bigger and bring in much more light....or that's the hope.

The wall will also be opened up to the left of the doorway.

The wall came down as far as the cupboards on the left.

Our prep was clearing the area.

Their prep was creating a nice little plastic cave with a zipper....hopefully this will keep the rest of the house relatively clean.

It's gone! I'm taking this shot inside the little plastic cave. It will stay up until the drywall mudding and sanding are done....hopefully late tomorrow.  

Framing and support beam are up.
The drywall is done....the mudding will be tomorrow morning.  
I'm still taking these pictures inside the plastic I really don't know how it feels yet....but I think it's going to be great!

They're also doing a few things for me in the well as some much needed lighting.

More tomorrow!

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