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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day Two: Electrical Day

Today it was all about electricity.....that needed to be done before they mud because the electrician had to drill access holes...which can be fixed when they mud.

Command Central....pardon the dust
But that also meant that the plastic had to come down so Jason could access the spaces. We'll see about drywall dust tomorrow...yikes.!  The whole first floor already has a layer of what's a little more.

I also did some planning with Kyle the carpenter for some small additions to the kitchen...and I think we landed in a really good spot.  I wish I took a picture of my mock up I had ready for him this involved three cereal boxes, pancake mix, and a few other props.  But he is a visual person he appreciated my efforts. More on that soon.

Here's the tour at the end of day two:

This is coming into the room from the front door. The perspective is a little funny...because the opening is much bigger than it appears here.  I love the open feel.

There are two new can lights on each side of the fireplace.  We have been struggling with lighting for that blue chair...everyone's favorite spot. There's not room for a floor lamp except behind the chair because of the hearth and the radiator. Now there's a light right overhead for reading and stitching.

 The view from the kitchen.

The view from the favorite blue chair.  There is also a new can light over the peninsula...where there was nothing before.  It was a dark spot at night.  All three can lights are on dimmers.

So the bad news is that while moving the thermostat somehow it shorted and blew the transformer.  So no heat and no hot water until it's replaced.  If they can't find one in stock it may need to be ordered and could take a couple of days.  It could be a chilly day here tomorrow.  

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