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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day Three...

....was spent mostly waiting around. The construction/rehab business is on fire here in South Portland so they are juggling a lot of jobs at the same time.  My little job gets squeezed in...and sometimes squeezed out. I'm very happy with my contractor Mike and his crew from Waterhouse Builders, so I'm just going to be patient.

The drywall guy finally came about 2:30 and got the first couple of coats on....but that's all that happened.  He's coming back tomorrow morning so hopefully things will keep moving along.  Oh yes...and there was a little drama with the furnace which is still not working so we have a space heater going so the mud will dry overnight.

I have tried to work on projects while I've been up here...but I am highly distracted with what's going on in the house. I'm even distracted while waiting for something to happen.  But I did sew some mobiles together to hang in my show and pieces and parts of a few other things.

And best of all....Paul came up mid afternoon and that was a good distraction!

And I spent a little time outside and discovered lots of crocus blooming in the back yard.  

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