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Friday, March 18, 2016


It's day four...but I think I'm going to stop counting. 

The taping and mudding are all done...but it still needs to be sanded. I'm going to continue to be patient and good humored while we wait for Kyle, the carpenter that I've been working with, to be free to do the finish work. I would rather wait for him that get someone new in here. So hopefully Tuesday is the magic day...the plastic goes back up for sanding, fixing the floor, and the finish work. There are still issues with the wiring for the furnace...but they have figured it out and are going change all the wiring tomorrow.  The guy who flipped this house before we moved in took too many shortcuts and didn't rehab things he should have. One by one we will fix things.

So no fun new photos....but it's looking better now that it's taped and mudded.

Patience...that's the word of the day!  

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