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Friday, March 25, 2016

Helpful Questions!

Even though I've been focused on the construction project in Maine...I've been working on pieces for my show.

I have a great group of supportive friends who are willing to give me constructive criticism and advise when I need it.  When talking about my little art show with my friend Becky....she asked me a couple questions that have been rattling around in my head.  Do you have a focal point?....and are you going to edit?

In terms of editing...I am narrowing my scope a bit. I can't do everything that's in my head....and it has to look good together. So several of my pieces are going to have a spectrum of color similar to the umbrella photo.  Some pieces will be more subtle...some a little more crazy.

My focal point is a little on the crazy's just a little's still very much a work in progress. I will try and have a little restraint....but I think it would be fun in a kids why not go crazy!

It actually started with this piece of driftwood I had wrapped a while back in some rainbow spectrum yarn....just because I could.  Not every quilt starts with the hanger...but this one did. And...I knew I wanted to make it narrow enough to use a garland of felted beads.


It goes nicely with my wool, felt and button piece....which I still need to figure out how to frame. Maybe this quilt will help me figure that out.

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