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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sticker Stories...

....and so much more.

When I got back to Lexington late this afternoon I had an exciting piece of mail waiting for me...the journal that my son Sam and I are sharing.  If you want the back story...check it out here.

When he started this journal....he wrote that he wanted it to be "both silly and serious, meandering and meaningful." So's all that! I just love it!

We traded sticker stories....yes stickers...the peal and stick little bits of delight that we both still love. And...he even sent me some stickers.  

One of the stickers is a little beat's made from a black and white photograph that Sam took of a guy swimming at Revere Beach in Boston.  I think it's going on the cover of this journal.

The other two are from "Fan Si Pan," a small Maine based company started by a friend of Sam's. Blair taught himself to sew and makes amazing outdoor products. The website is actually very creative and includes several photo and video featuring an essay by Sam called "Numb Hands to Feed the Birds." Check it's a sweet story.


  1. What a nice story from Sam! The journal is such a great connection too. Thanks for sharing it.
