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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New Photo Art

I neglected to take a picture of these pieces in the space...but here is the new photo art I've added to my seen on my kitchen floor.  I shared a couple up close here.

 My original "Serenity" was popular and I have two orders. For one of them the buyer has provided her own photo. There is something very different...but really nice about the mixture of fabric and photo. I will probably work on a few more with other photos.

For the first one I used a piece of gold ribbon between the photo and the quilt. But per usual...I couldn't lay my hands on the ribbon spool. So I used gold lame fabric that I fused into a fold creating my own ribbon. Sometimes "making it work"...really WORKS!

This one is called "Diamond in the Rough."

This was an experiment.  I forgot to take a picture of it up I zoomed in on it from the group it's a little fuzzy.  I used larger punched squares of blue skies....many of them with branches. I glued them down then stitched grid lines on all four sides of the squares. I'm calling it "Patchwork Skies."                                                                                                             
And finally...a second version of the umbrellas and flowers.  I called the first one "Color Story" this one is "Another Color Story."

Once I finish the special orders...I will start playing with fabric again...including the mix of fabric and photos. 

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