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Monday, June 27, 2016

Catalog Mosaics

Ever since I made the photo mosaic mirror (which sold in just a few hours) I knew I wanted to try it again using other materials. So one of the evenings I was sitting in Maine visiting with my guests I punched up an entire Ethan Allen catalog. And...just in case you were guests didn't think that was weird at all. My husband is used to it...Ellen totally gets it....and Phil just goes with the flow.  
I have a whole stack of these catalogs...the colors are earthy and rich, and there are lots of interesting textures and lines.


The next day I edged some of the squares with a gray sharpie and glued them down in a staggered pattern on a gray piece of card stock. I left a little of the gray card stock showing because I wanted it to look like grout. I covered one 8 1/2 by 11 page of squares just to try it out.

Once it was good and dry I started re-punching.

These are some of the re-punched squares...they aren't glued down...but laying on top of another piece of gray card-stock. Once I rework the rest of the squares I'll find some sort of a frame or canvas and create a piece of art. I think there's potential here....I love using recycled materials! I think from a distance it will look like really interesting tile work....maybe.


  1. yes, your guests were totally cool with you punching and glueing and we also think your work is awesome. Can't wait to see a finished piece.

  2. yes, your guests were totally cool with you punching and glueing and we also think your work is awesome. Can't wait to see a finished piece.
