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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Second Chance

I was visiting with Linda and admiring her lovely pedestal birdbath.  I have one....a hand off from a neighbor who moved away.  I know the birds use it...but I have been frustrated with it.  

It's there in this garden...but you can't see it. Mine is made of concrete and VERY heavy.  Once the plants get big I can't see it to enjoy the birds...and because it was out of site I forget to fill it and clean it. Are you getting my drift? I was ready to let it go.

Linda mentioned that her husband uses all kinds of things as bases for planters and birdbaths. Then I had a lightbulb moment! I could use an upside down plant pot (which I already had) as a base and get my birdbath up off the ground....making it easier to clean and watch the birds. Why didn't I think of that? Such a simple fix. Thanks Linda and David!

So this hand-me-down is getting a second chance. Life is good....for the birds.

I love this view of my back yard in Lexington....especially this time 
of year when everything is so lush and green.

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