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Monday, June 20, 2016

Walking the Yard

We had perfect weather while we were up in Maine this last weekend...and for the first time the back yard really felt like a sanctuary. Since a lot of my creative energy goes into my gardens and's what you get to read about.

I have been working with Aaron, a delightful young landscaper on softening the back yard and creating more privacy. It's nice to have someone doing most of the digging, hauling, and mulching. With his help....I'm at the point where I can just sit back and enjoy it. Just a little weeding and edging is all it will need. 

Take a walk around the yard with me.

As you go around the left side of the property...we planted some new things along the picket fence.  I love these neighbors...but that corner is a little bit of a storage place for them.  The Joe Pye Weed will get tall and really soften the fence line and there are three Clethra bushes that are filling in nicely.  It's kind of a swampy corner in the spring and after big rains...and all of this will do fine. I would have never guessed that anything could have been planted here...because of the dampness and the large tree roots. But Aaron figured it out.
The Seven Sons tree we planted last fall along the back property line is doing well.  It's supposed to be a fast it will be fun to watch it this summer....and the spectacular fall bloom will be fun.

We have added some other small shrubs around the tree and  I just planted some purple scaevola and verbena for some color....although you can't see it in this picture.

Aaron just planted a little Sourwood tree...which I had never heard has a very interesting fall bloom. I like how the new growth is kind of pinkish. And my dwarf River Birch at the corner of the deck has done really well.    

The Sourwood will eventually give us some privacy out some of our windows...and help with the shade for the deck. Like I said....some day....right now it's just cute.  

We are somewhere on the list with our contractor to have a pergola built over the deck.  Once that's done I will work on this area.

My raised rock wall garden in the corner is filling in nicely with several kinds of hosta and I have added in coral bell and coleus.  You can't tell from this picture...but there is a new Red Bud and Choke Cherry as a back drop. And at the very left...the fluffy white ball is a new Tri-Color Willow.

Another view of the the raised garden...and my little rock garden.  There were two scuff trees that Aaron cut down right at the corner of the fence.  I asked him to leave the trunks... I plan to do something creative with them.....bird houses on top? weaving? driftwood trellis????  We'll see.

And...there's nothing better in the back yard than one of the boys. Sam hung out with us for a few hours...what a treat! 

Thanks for walking the yard with me! 

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