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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Cut and Paste

What do I do with an art piece I'm not all that happy with?
I cut it up! 

I really did cut up my little quilt piece from a few days ago....but this version I cut and pasted on my computer. Reworking it digitally gave me freedom to manipulate various pieces and parts reusing and/or resizing them as needed. It was an oddly satisfying project...very cathartic.

The best thing about digital art is that I don't make big messes.

Both "cutting up" projects were prompted by some very helpful constructive criticism from Melody on my little challenge piece I posted about a few days ago. Valuable lessons were learned about process and design and I will be sharing some of those as I go along.

Magical things happen sometimes when you cut something up...I've done it several times on all kinds of media. I hope to puzzle this little quilt back together in a new way at some point but today the cut and paste magic happened digitally.

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