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Saturday, October 15, 2016

New Plan

I spent a little time on my fused star this afternoon and quickly realized I needed a new plan. In order to keep the lines at the crooks of the star all lined up (see the pink lines in the photo) I needed to finish each point section completely before I fused it back together. Does that make any sense at all? It might if you read on. If you're already bored, lost, or don't really care...just let it go and move on with your day. 

Inspiration piece found online.
This was my first attempt from a week ago.....and I realize now I shouldn't have put the points back together.

So back to the drawing board...literally.

I made another pattern for the center star and I traced it onto a large pice of card stock the size I wanted my finished piece to be. I cut out the whole point...all the way to edge of the paper.                                                                                              
I started over just like I did last time making the center yellow point. Then I started adding strips of color....and I could trim it up as I went along. 

OOPS! I didn't realize until just now while writing this post that I made a mistake on this point....can you see it? (see the arrow on the right hand picture) I should have gone back and forth from side to side as I added strips....but I did two orange strips in a row on the same side...throwing off the point. But by making this mistake...and seeing it and talking about it here...I "probably" won't do it again. When I look at the inspiration at the top....some of the stars are kind of it may not be a loss.  We'll see.

I call this part of the creative process "product development." Sometimes it takes me a long time to figure something out...and I generally make a lot of mistakes. But the good news is I have a plan...I know what do to...and I'm certain it's going to work.  So stay tuned...I'll get it right eventually.

I had to set it aside because I walked downtown with Anita this afternoon (yes...again celebrating a walkable town) and saw the movie Sully. We both were surprised at how good it was. The "human factor" was what it was really about...not just a plane crashing in the river. It was very well done...and I highly recommend it.

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