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Friday, November 4, 2016

Cool Connections

I'm starting with this silly picture that came across my Tumblr's just what I needed this morning to lighten things up a bit. It originated here.

I'm still a little fuzzy from my cold....which I think makes me a little emotional...a little more sentimental. And since I'm not getting much done today...I might as well tell stories.

I got an uplifting e-mail yesterday from Mary thanking me for my blog...and it made my day. I don't know Mary personally....but we have some cool connections.

1.  Mary is from Portland, Oregon...Portland ME is often called the "Other Portland."

2.  Mary took the same online fusing class from Melody Johnson. Melody taught the class from Chattanooga, Tennessee to both of us at the same time who were on opposite coasts....the internet is amazing!

3.  Mary just took a cruise along the eastern seaboard and toured Portland and South Portland. She was literally within a mile of my house in South Portland. I love watching the cruise ships come and go in Portland Harbor! Who knows....maybe I watched her ship!

4.  And with just a few clicks on her keyboard....Mary was able to connect via e-mail.....which I was able to retrieve from my phone while driving from Lexington to South Portland. 

How cool is this stuff!  Is it just me?....Or is it my cold?
Thanks for connecting Mary!

I also got an email from Joan yesterday who may want help with a map....which prompted me to make this one.  I'm in Joan!

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