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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Connecting With The Grandkids

Before I posted my Becky memory yesterday I contacted my nephew Ryan asking permission to tell his part of the story.  He had just been thinking about his mom so the timing was perfect. He said he talks to her frequently...often seeing signs of her around him and through the kids. His sister Hillary mentioned that she feels connected to her mom when she sees monarch butterflies and humming birds. I love that! I have to chuckle that my connection to Becky is when I spill something on my shirt....but I'll take it.

Ryan and Rachel's wedding day.
Becky looked beautiful!

Ryan shared a couple of stories how his kids feel connected to their grandma even though they never got the chance to know her.  I love a good connection's one of the things I celebrate on this blog. So please indulge me once again as I share another Becky story and how she is staying connected with her grandkids. I think we often benefit and grow from sharing our stories and I have certainly benefited from Ryan sharing this one.

Becky wanted nothing more than to be a grandma.  She had been shopping for baby things at garage sales for years...and was thrilled when Ryan and Rachel announced a baby was on its way. But she got sick...and as the due date got closer Becky's prognosis got worse. Ryan told me he felt blessed that little Donald arrived a few weeks early giving Becky a little more time to be a grandma....a dream come true. 

Ryan believes that "even in the after life Becky is doing her grandmother duties and watching over her grand babies."  When he and Rachel put a picture of Becky in Donald's room he immediately said, "that's grandma Becky."  Rachel and Ryan got goosebumps because Donald was only two months old when she died.

"How did you know that?" Rachel asked.
"Because she kisses me and plays with me," Donald said without hesitation.

Ryan shared that Amelia often walks around the house saying "grandma Becky, dada, grandma Becky!"  And a couple of times both kids randomly stopped what they were doing and look up...their heads following something around the room. When asked what they were looking at they said, "grandma Becky is here!" I'm certain she was.

Becky must be very proud of her grandkids and the wonderful job Ryan and Rachel are doing raising them. And she's clearly connecting with them...even though she's not physically here.

Thank you Ryan for sharing your story.

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