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Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Everyday Sort of Magic"

Subtitle:  JoyFUL

"I do believe in an everyday sort of magic - the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we're alone."  Charles De Lint

It was just one of those "everyday sort of magic" kind of day.  A day full of emotions and experiences....all so joyFUL.  I had another post idea....but I couldn't write about anything else tonight. I had to write about my joyFUL day.

It was a beautiful...unusually warm November day. Not so unusual this year....but unusual for most Novembers. As I left the house to walk to church this morning I checked out the Ginkgo tree.  It was deep yellow...nearly ready for the bloom fall. There were already a few leaves on the ground.  I was filled with joyFUL anticipation.

Many of you know that my husband Paul is a UCC minister. Today he faced the daunting task of preaching in the aftermath of this crazy election. I was with him all weekend....I know how hard it was....he knew he would be preaching to people who voted on both sides.  I was so proud of him.  For anyone so's a link to today's message....a message about love, peace, and justice for everyone.

After church Joyce sought me out to thank me for my blog...she said it has changed the way she sees the world. She can't look at a tree in the same way and shares my joy in something as simple as a tissue box design.  I was touched by her words....overcome with emotion, actually.  JoyFUL.

I walked home with Anita and Dave...I hadn't seen them in a while because of trips, schedules, and my illness. They're like family and I treasure their friendship. JoyFUL.

I had to drop something off at Linda's and got a glimpse of her birdbath full of happy birds and a thoughtful project she was working on. Her husband David showed me an art piece he knew I'd like...and I got to see my commissioned paper tube piece in it's new home in their kitchen.

From there I stopped in to see Joan. She and Dean are at the beginning of a major home renovation. Such fun to see the make shift kitchen in the dining room and hear about the plans. She purchased 3 hours of my time from the church youth group auction for home decorating this last spring.  She would have gotten it for free....and I'll give her all the time she needs when the time comes.  It's going to be fun watching her project unfold this winter and helping her with some of the finishing touches as she puts her home back together. Then I gave her a "Pages" tutorial so she can do some fun things with her Christmas Card.  I get ridiculously excited about things like this.....I can hardly contain myself.  I actually got a little emotions were at the surface all day long.

I even had a moment of pause as I came out of the grocery was just starting to get favorite time of day.

After dark I took a walk around the neighborhood searching out the nearly full supermoon....I found it peaking through the trees.

There were a number of other little moments that caught my attention and gave me pause today...but you get the idea. It was just one of those "everyday sort of magic" kind of day. Every experience seemed sacred....every interaction was meaningful.

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