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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lexington Art Walk

I love small town community events. Downtown Lexington is hosting an art walk and many of the businesses in town are displaying art from all ages. So while we were out walking yesterday Anita and I checked it out.  It was a beautiful day....a perfect day for an art walk in our lovely historic town.

There are several stores that have beautiful window boxes all year round....
and this leisurely walk gave us an opportunity to enjoy them.

A window selfie...and some colorful art.

Some of my favorite art was done by some kindergarten kids. There were several of birds....birds in trees and birds on wires.  They were so sweet...and so happy! Sorry, I had no idea how to avoid the glare.

And there was a whole series of lovely moons...also done by kids.

 Thank you Lexington for hosting this event.  It was a delightful way to spend part of our morning walk.

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