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Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Big Day!


There wasn't a hard frost last night and today was breezy, misty, and 42 degrees...but at some point the leaves just gotta' fall. Today was the big day!

I uploaded a video to can view it here.  I love the carpet of yellow!

I got up early this morning hoping to get some things done. But instead I felt like a kid on Christmas morning....I couldn't stop watching the tree. I was kind of giddy actually. At several points I just had to stand out in the middle of it. And when I wasn't out I was sitting in this chair at the front door. The timing was perfect...and I enjoyed every minute of it!

I was thrilled to get an e-mail yesterday from Christine from California who was in both the fusing and Sticky Fingers online classes.  She had seen the posts on my tree and shared some of her favorite photos of ginkgo trees taken on her walks in Pasadena. Thanks Christine!  I know there are lots of ginkgo fans out there!


  1. Congratulations! I'm glad the Big Day was a day when you could be around to enjoy it!
