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Saturday, December 10, 2016


Today was a full day....more time spent connecting than of the gifts of being here. Margie and I spent some time exchanging friendship stories...and it was really good to reflect on that a bit.  And my sister-in-law Liz visited and it was good to connect with her too...always interesting conversation.

Liz and Margie worked together before I came and put together a couple of stockings filled with a little something for me to open every day while I'm here. So thoughtful! I feel like my kids must have felt when the Christmas elf came to our house every night. You can read about that here.

One of the gifts was this sweet little 300 piece puzzle....just what the doctor ordered. I started it this "something creative" for the day...along with some creative problem solving.

It's going to be nice to have it to work on over the next several days. 

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