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Friday, December 9, 2016

Pay Attention

We draw names in Paul's family for Christmas. We keep it pretty simple...sometimes we have a theme...sometimes just a free for all like this year. I am always appreciative when the name I have drops a hint for me without even knowing it.  This year I drew my nephew Langston who is a senior in high school. As I was thinking about what I was going to get him he posted this on his Facebook page:

Thank you Langston!  So while I'm here in Colorado....I'm going to make him some sort of a collage/art piece out of his grandmother, Margie's junk mail and recycling. I brought a few supplies with me....but the rest I'm going to scrounge for.   

This is the start of the pile I junk mail so far on Margie's table. Does it look hopeful?

I did bring this wooden canvas I picked up at the Goodwill store. I wish I would have take a before was pretty ugly.  Today I painted it black in preparation for my collage.

Is anybody worried?

Last year my brother-in-law chuck posted the following....and guess what he got.... a red mustang remote control car to entertain his great nieces and nephew! Be careful what you ask for! I pay attention!

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