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Thursday, December 1, 2016

I've Got The Blues...

...Advent Blues that is.

I admit it...I've had a lot going on and I'm a little tired.  But I'm embracing a line from a book I'm reading: "ACT THE WAY I WANT TO FEEL." We're having a party I'm acting festive and the feelings will catch up. I played Christmas music all day and I'm sprucing up the house...which has been sorely neglected. There are not too many things I love to do more than putter around the house.

Paul and I are hosting the church staff for a Christmas party...I'm calling it an Advent party. It's more liturgically correct...or at least that's the story I'm going with. Because of my upcoming trip to Colorado we're having the party on the early side and it will be a great way to kick off the holiday season. I'm not decorating for Christmas....I'm decorating very simply for Advent...and that means BLUE....and greens.

No red this year at all...just Advent blues.
I'll share a few more pictures over the next few days.

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