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Friday, December 2, 2016

Tree Day!

Tonight was our Advent party....but more importantly today, December 2nd, is the anniversary of Paul's and my first date...also known as "Tree Day." 

Thirty-eight years ago Paul invited me to help him and his roommate Mike decorate a Christmas tree in their college dorm room. The photo on the left is the red headed guy I fell for...the one below is several years later after we were married.

Ever since that first date December 2nd has been Christmas tree day in the Shupe house. And I celebrate that Paul finally got smart enough to asked me out all those years ago. I knew he was my guy...I just had to wait for him to figure out that I was his gal. There's a good story there....but that may be just a little too much for this post.

One of my favorite Christmas tree years was when Nate hung all his ornaments behind the tree on the string that was fastened to the wall to keep it from tipping over.

Happy Tree Day! I love family traditions!

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