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Saturday, December 17, 2016

Junk Mail

I am in Denver for my last night in Colorado and I had dinner with my nephew North (Langston), his girlfriend, and his family this evening. It was a delightful way to round out my trip. North will be the one getting this crazy gift on Christmas Eve...and in case anyone was worried....he's getting a little something else too.  

Is it silly?  Yes!  Is it overdone? Yes!  Am I OK with that?  Yes!

For anyone wondering what the heck this this blog post first.

Once I established the circle theme with the peace sign....I searched Margie's junk mail for inspiration. I found a United Way mailing that had three words in circles: Volunteer, Advocate, and Give....good companions for the peace sign. Then I settled in for a few evenings while visiting with Margie and snipped and glued and snipped and glued some more. The only thing I used that didn't come in the mail was part of an orange Kleenex box that you'll find around the word "Give."

It's not a masterpiece by any stretch....but it was fun and it came from the heart.  I hope my creative 17 year old nephew will get a kick out his grandmother's junk mail.

It measures 8 by 16 and was made on a repurposed wooden canvas found at the Goodwill store.

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