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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Dressed-Up Box

I love this "Story of the Day" that came through my e-mail a week or so ago....but didn't have a context for it until now. The story is actually called "Dress-Up Box"....but I'm calling this post "Dressed-Up Box."

Emily and me many many years ago.

I recently got an e-mail from Emily with a great story. Emily is my Goddaughter and the daughter of my childhood friend Becky. She participated in a Secret Santa swap at work and realized at the last minute that one of her co-workers was inadvertently left out. If you knew would know that something had to be done...and fast.

Using the box-making skills I taught her years and years ago Emily was able to make this "dressed-up" box for her co-worker at the 11th hour.
And...I'm absolutely certain that it was filled with courage, love and play. Way to go Emily! I'm smiling ear to ear!

Dave, my father in law taught me how to make these boxes and you can read about them here.


  1. Awww. I didn't see this! sweet.... sniff.

    1. Awwww indeed! You should be pretty proud of your daughter!
