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Monday, January 9, 2017

Laugh at Yourself

I laughed out loud when I saw this on Facebook a few days ago.  I've seen other versions of it...but this version hit pretty close to home. 

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for my phone so I did what I usually do....I called it from my land line.  I heard a faint muffled ring... I walked towards it thinking it was coming from upstairs.  I called it again...heard a faint ring...and tried to walk towards it....back down stairs. I checked my purse....coat pockets as I continued to hear the faint ring.  I think I called it 6 times before I realized  it was in my back pocket...with the volume turned down. I laughed out loud at myself. I just hope I keep laughing...because it's just going to get worse!

Photo found on Pinterest

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