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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My Love Affair...

...with the Bowerbird.  (sorry Paul)

One of the artists I follow on Facebook is Kate Mason. I enjoy her whimsical paintings and illustrations....and of course...the color!

Kate does illustrations for Adelaide's Bowerbird Market. The market's goal is to attract Australian retailers to local artists and crafters. The bowerbird is the perfect symbol for that goal of "attraction." This post could easily be about Kate...and the talented artists at the market....but it's actually about my love affair with the Australian bowerbird.

I saw this BBC video quite some time ago...but never saved it anywhere and kind of forgot about it.  When I read about the Bowerbird Market I searched for and found the video and it rekindled the spark. The video is a old and little rough....but I am still quite taken with the creative habits of this bird.

The male bowerbirds are masters of seduction and interior decorating. They spend hours creating and decorating elaborate bowers...or mating structures to capture the attention of females. 

photo by Mark Chappell
They build their structures out of sticks and decorate with anything they can find they think will lure the females. They are drawn to shiny objects and bright colors....especially blue which is rare in the wild. Once the male bowerbirds have finished their masterpiece...they often do a little dance to lure in the females.
Here are some of their amazing structures I found on line.

Photo found here.

Photo by Tim Laman and can be found here.

Photo by Natalie Doerr and can be found here.

Of course I got hooked and linked into several other videos that were also fun. So if you too have fallen in love with the bowerbird here are a few more videos.  This one was kind of humorous...and this one shows the bower bird raiding picnic sites looking for "blue"...and it gets a little "racy" at the end. 💙

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