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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sliver of Soap

I worked on my little landscape project today. 

I think I've mentioned the tip from Melody Johnson that a sliver of soap works well for marking just fades away during the ironing process.

After I finalized the fabrics for the hills in the foreground I marked a soap line on the darker distant hill so I would know where to cut away valuable fused fabric.

I repeated the marking and cutting away process so there was no waste hidden behind.
Then I started top stitching.  I wasn't too happy with the narrow lines on the dark's too much like the sky...but ripping it out was not an option.  I changed it up for the lighter green hill and for now I'm leaving the aqua foreground just plain. I may add some vertical grasses or french knots...but I'll make that decision later.

I'm keeping this mantra in my head...KEEP IT SIMPLE! I'm going to create a bit of a starry sky with some tiny beads and I'm marking where I want to start with some little clusters. The handwork will be a good project while I watch TV.

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