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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Color Scheme

It was another snowy, blustery day today...a good day to be puttering around inside. I started with some organizing and cleaning in my craft room but it didn't take long before I was distracted by a project...I enjoyed watching the snow out the window while I worked played. 

I was inspired Folt Bolt's "show and tell" pink and green color scheme this I started a little fusing, and mixed media project that I might submit.

Folt Bolt is an online site featuring artists from all over the world. You can read about my first experience with them here  and you can see all my Folt Bolt posts here.

I gathered some fabrics in the color scheme and decided to make a happy little vase of flowers.

I did a lot of fiddling....I'll share more of my progress tomorrow.

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