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Thursday, February 16, 2017


I finally finished a project....this one inspired by Folt Bolt's February color scheme.
You can read about my process here, and here.

Today I started by fusing a piece of batting to the back that was just a tiny bit smaller than my paint panel. 

Then I settled in to do the hand stitching and embellishing. And...thanks to the most bizarre and dysfunctional press conference (sorry) I've ever seen....I was glued to the I got it all done.

Then with a little snipping, folding, and pressing...I fused the piece to the paint panel. It worked like a charm. I did cover the top of the canvas with matte medium to attach the top/batting.

The back is neat and messy glue! I actually tried to lift a little piece to reposition it just a bit and it wouldn't I know it's going to hold. And...seeing this picture reminds me that I do need to add a hanger. 
I like the effect of the leaves and flowers wrapping around the canvas.

A happy little project...and better yet a completed little project!  Yay!

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