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Monday, March 27, 2017


"There is no joy without is in fact the pain and the suffering that allows us to experience and appreciate the joy." The Book of Joy

I'm so lucky to have so many good friends....a few have reached out since my last post. So just in case you're wondering....I'm just fine. There has been a lot going much of it good and wonderful. But, the most important priority in my life right now is my dear friend Connie.

I have talked quite a bit about Connie on this blog. As a matter of fact if you put her name in the little search box in the upper left hand corner more than 40 posts come up where her name is mentioned. That even surprised me. I've been Connie's friend, decorator, gardener, seamstress, caregiver, driver, and errand girl.  We've spent hours and hours crafting, problem solving, and puttering....she is an inspiration and a role model. My fist post about her was called "Let Me Introduce You to Connie" in the first weeks of this blog and she has been a regular presence ever since. It was always with her permission and she has loved reading her stories here so I know she won't mind if I continue.

Just recently Connie's health has declined and she is transitioning to Hospice care. I will be part of the team that will be helping with this end of life process whenever and however I will be both difficult and powerful.

But....spring is coming, creative projects continue, and decisions are being made about houses and homes. is full...but life is also very good. I'm so grateful for my very full life.

"The more we turn toward the suffering, our own and others, the more we can turn toward the joy." The Book of Joy


  1. Lovely tribute. Lovely woman..
    good friend.

    1. I'm so glad you had a chance to meet her. She's pretty special.
