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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Windows With Views

A few days ago I posted about my love for window sills
The new kitchen window in Portland has a nice wide sill and a delightful view. 

The dining room has a double window with a deep ledge for all kinds of fun things...and the same nice view. I think these glass balls from our trip to Cape Cod will be pretty hanging here. 

We are an end unit so we have a nice yard along the side.

Here's the view down our quiet little cul-de sac. I've met a couple of neighbors and have already fallen in love with 90 year old Zelda right across the street.

Our back patio overlooks the's very quiet and peaceful back there with lots of birds. The fence isn't likely staying and eventually I hope to have some sort of a little garden....but maybe not until next year.  Just a few patio pots will do for this year.

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