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Sunday, June 18, 2017

I Have a Bud!

Every day for the last couple of weeks I've been checking my rain lilies for buds. I spotted one today and I couldn't be more excited. It's a little later than last's been an oddly cool spring with just a few freakishly hot days mixed in. 

The foliage seems happy and healthy so we'll see how many blooms I get....this picture below is what I'm hoping for! This photo is actually of my sister LaVonn's pot....she's the one who gave the bulbs to me a few years ago. They originally came from her mother-in-law Rose.

These rain lilies have become one of my favorite plants...they are just a delight! They are dormant in the basement all winter and I put them outside mid May after danger of frost. They actually had to came in and out this was a cold spring.
Here are my previous posts about rain lilies

This photo was taken May 13th when I just started watering them. They seem pretty sad at this point...but they're coming along. 


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