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Monday, June 19, 2017


Only 24 hours later and that little bud has shot right up.  I guess it likes hot weather. I apologize ahead of time because I don't think I can stop myself from obsessing about the rain lilies! Wow!

The gardens and grounds at the assisted living facility where Connie lives are amazing all four seasons. I love driving by this garden going up the driveway watching it mature and bloom. Yesterday I walked back down the hill to take a closer look at the salvia and penstemon...or at least that's what I think it is. Another Wow! In no way does this picture do it justice.'s the June color scheme!

Phillip, the grounds manager is one of Connie's favorite people. He came up to visit her on a recent rainy day...she was pretty excited. I'm glad I was there to capture it!

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