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Friday, June 16, 2017

The Mundane

"There is beauty and truth even in the seemingly mundane."
Morgan Harper Nichols

We're at the end of a very quick trip to Portland. Most of the projects I've been working on at the condo aren't glamorous or creative...kind of mundane actually but just as important as the fun ones to come. I'm taking down curtain rods, filling holes, and caulking in preparation for painting. I've learned over the years to appreciate the art of good prep-work....and there's a lot of it. There are dozens of holes and a lot of unsanded patched spots that have been painted over. I'm going to try and fix mundane spot at a time.

I wrote another post called "Voices In My Head" about good prep work. The same voices are always cheering me on!

At some point there will be more pictures....but at this point this is what you get.

Every window had double curtain rods with anchors...this screw had to be hack sawed off because the anchor was stuck.  In come cases the rod had been moved several times so there were twice as many holes as needed. But they are almost all filled and sanded smooth.  Ahhhh

While I was busy with the mundane Paul took a walk in the drizzle (not my first choice) and discovered white water rapids on a walking path along the Presumpscot River just a mile or so away.  I'm looking forward to seeing it in person on one of our next walks. What a treat to find such beauty just a short walk away.

Paul is good at taking pictures of things he knows I would if I was there with him. Thanks for the lovely photos Paul!

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