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Tuesday, September 12, 2017


...and listening...and sharing.

One of the first exercises in the Consciously Creative class was take a destination walk without our camera. We were to use all our senses and observe. So Sunday morning I took the familiar walk downtown to the town hall and back. I've walked it hundreds of times and I knew there would be interesting things to see.

It was absolutely wonderful. I saw things I had never seen before and gained a new appreciation for the beautiful windows, doors, and architecture of our town. It was a lovely morning...and because it was early on a was relatively quiet.

A big component of this class is to share what we are
doing with the other class members.

I wandered down alleys and looked up drive ways and peered in store windows. It was delightful! On my way home I heard the music of a small ensemble playing on the our church steps across the Battle Green....I was moved to tears.

Looking and's a good thing.

The second part of this assignment was to go on the same walk...this time with our cameras. We were also supposed to pick up 5 objects that we found along the way.

So this morning I took the same walk expecting to take pictures of the lovely windows and the interesting architecture. But what caught my attention was something very different....more to come on that.  I have a lot of photos to sort through.

And, I actually picked up more than 5 items...surprise surprise. Some of them were natural objects...some of them bits trash or something lost. When I got home I had a little photo shoot. I used a leftover board from Paul's pew table project I wrote about a while back. It has lots of texture...a perfect backdrop.

I first photographed the two categories separately...then grouped them together. Philippa told us to think of it like putting a puzzle together...grouping things that relate in some way...all while trying to achieve balance and a pleasing arrangement. In the photo below, the pine needle tuft relates to the rose hip tuft and the green fibers. The round rose hip relates to black wheel (filled with dirt) and the round compass and the round reds are balanced. The strong yellow leaf is balanced by the strong pink compass...and the greens created a nice diagonal line.

I also loved that the hole in the plastic bag tie thing is a little heart.
Do all of these closures have little hearts? 💙
What I do know is that I 💙 this class!  

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