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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Me and My Cart

I mentioned in my last post that one of my class tasks this week is to pick up interesting things I see on my walks.  What I didn't mention was that 1/2 way through yesterday's 1 1/2 hour observation walk I picked up something that wouldn't fit in my pocket.

I had wandered down one of the alleys downtown and saw this cart. The trash truck was backing and beeping down the alley and I had to make a quick decision whether it was going home with me. Was it worth saving?  I decided it was.

But...I still had the other 1/2 of my walk yet to go....observing and documenting....with my cart. 

I had a good chuckle when I went back through my photos and saw that the cart made it into a few. Look's there.

This shadow selfie  is my and my cart...and an orange bike.

I did stop for a bit to sit on a bench at the visitor's center to enjoy the view and give my arms a rest. But it's official...I've bonded with my cart. I'll be sure and report back when it gets a makeover. It's going to be awesome!

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