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Thursday, September 14, 2017

My "Steller" Story

In the "Consciously Creative" class Philippa is introducing us to some great photo apps. I'm generally intimidated by new tech stuff....I only know what I know and it generally takes a little push for me to try something new. But the best way for me to learn is to do...and do...and redo. really helps to have a great teacher! Thanks Philippa!

One of the apps I'm already in love with is "Steller."  It's a great way to organize photos of an event or theme into a little story book. If I can do it so can you!

Here's some of my homework in a Steller story about what caught my eye on my walk downtown a few days ago. Click the link below to check it out. If you're on a computer there will be an arrow to click through the pages...on other devices just swipe.

You can see Philippa's amazing stories here:

Steller...I highly recommend it!

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