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Saturday, October 14, 2017


I spent the day at a beautiful retreat center at a workshop called "The Art and Craft of Journaling."  It was taught by my friend Muffy Paradise who is one of the most creative and deeply thoughtful people I know.  I blogged about one of her nature journals she copied and made into small accordion can see mine here.

It's going to take a while to digest it all but Muffy wanted us to see that words and and letters can be pictures themselves.....they are, after all, just lines and shapes on the page. Creatively using words along with images can make for beautiful journal pages.

We played around with various types of lettering and did several exercises to loosen us up and get us out of our heads and into the lines. Muffy did several demonstrations and shared many of her beautiful journals and artwork....that alone was worth it!

Truly an inspiring day!

Bravo Muffy!

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