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Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Nest and a Crown

I'm guessing we all have a favorite chair or a spot in our house where we relax, read, watch TV, or do our hobbies. A favorite in our house is the blue chair. Margie's favorite spot is the love seat in her living room where she's created a little nest surrounded by all the fun things she enjoys.

There's a rolling cart that holds all her coloring supplies including all kind of markers, pens, and pencils...and another cart holds other games, her calendar, reading materials, and a traveling office. At a moments notice she can wheel them into her bedroom to use...or out of sight when she wants to tidy up.

Doesn't she look content under her Colorado Rockies blanket coloring her latest work of art?  It just makes me smile.

Along with her daughter Liz and her husband Chuck, we celebrated Margie's birthday today.  My favorite  silly highlights were a repurposed patchwork wrapping job and a crown.  What's not to love about a birthday crown on an awesome woman in her nest.

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