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Friday, November 24, 2017

Really Ready!

Thanks to some dear people in my life I've been piecing together furniture in my studio in Maine. I still have organizing to do....and it's time to hang some art...I feel very lucky to have such a wonderful space.

I still have my sweet little writing table in front of the window...and all the other pieces are close at hand.  It's come a long way from the photos in this post titled "I'm ready".... now I'm REALLY ready.

I love sitting in the chair doing my handwork....the light is good and I have a great view out the floor to ceiling  window.

Thanks to her daughters, I inherited Connie's desk which will be my rotary cutting table and a long console shelf that works perfectly along the side wall.  I love the big bulletin board....a good place for inspiration images. You can see Connie's pieces in her nursing room in this post. The tall set of bins in the back corner are from the kitchen in Connie's old apartment....she's all around me! Paul is using her big bookcase downstairs in his study.

My cathedral window quilt is going to hang on the back right wall.

My friend Marian gave me her mother's old dining room table....which when both end leaves are up is HUGE and will be great for big projects or a craft workshop. I'm hoping I can use it as a sewing surface but I need to get the right chair because it's a little higher than I'm used to.  If I get brave I can always cut the legs down....that's a little scary.

I am slowly moving a lot of my craft supplies up here and am going to turn my project room in Lexington into mostly a sewing room. I have a nice big closet for my inventory.

And the room is big enough that it still has a guest corner. We can sleep a lot of people in this condo...if people share there are beds for 8 plus the couch and a blow up mattress.


  1. Your studio looks amazing! Lots of space for everything!

    1. I'm pretty's really coming along and wonderful place to work. Lot's of fun things are going to come out of this space.
